Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Professional Photographer

So what is the difference between a photographer and a the average Joe with a multifunction point and shoot camera which takes great pictures? According to croteau and hoynes the basic answer is talent, but we can’t stop there because how do we decide who gets the status of photographer nowadays when everybody has a camera, which can do everything. Today’s topic is about cameras, being quite a large tech buff I absolutely love cameras. Cameras allow us to capture moments in time and save them for however long we want, it allows us to capture a moment in time in specific light, angle and position we want to remember it in. Whenever we travel, one of the main things we carry is a camera because we want to document these trips. In essence, it also allows us to share with our family and friends these points in time when we travelled and allow them to experience second hand what we experienced (through photos).

With that being said, because of the progression of technology through the years and better and better cameras being released into the consumer market, I believe the gap between a photographer and an average Joe with a camera keeps getting wider, and not narrowing. The average Joe will probably take an excessive amount of pictures to try and capture that one moment or try to capture that one moment multiple times to have different views but a photographer is able to take just one picture and capture the moment because he has a vision, he knows exactly what he wanted and he did not have to experiment with multiple shots, instead just waits for the perfect moment.

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